
Hello, my name is Warren! I’m a wife and a full time stay-at-home mom. I homeschool my children, make spooder enclosures (actually, I was even featured on the Dodo for my handmade enclosures), and I breed/sell jumping spiders.

How did I get into jumping spiders? All my life I have seen Menemerus Semilimbatus everywhere and they've always fascinated me. At that point in my life, I didn’t really think much of it. As I got older, I got a job working at Petsmart and took care of Tarantulas, but my interest didn’t fully bloom there either. It wasn't until April of 2022 when a large jumping spider appeared on my front door, and he caught my eye; I just couldn’t stop thinking about him! The next step for me was to do a bunch of research. I discovered he was a mature male Phidippus Audax and that they make amazing pets and are very easy to care for. After that it was a done deal; I swooped him up and spoiled him for the rest of his mature adult life. Shortly after taking him in my husband got me CutiePie, my first Phidippus Regius. We have been bonded ever since and I love her as much as one would love a common pet like a dog or a cat. 

My passion for spooders has bloomed beyond trying to help people with their arachnophobia and has furthered into helping people find their perfect spood.