Frequently Asked Questions


Do they bite?

--Anything with a mouth can bite but from a spood it’s not likely and if it were to happen it’s equivalent to a mosquito bite!

Have you been bit?

--Yes three times, & two of them I didn’t even know it happened till way after the fact because it’s similar to a mosquito bite lol

How big do they get?

--Legs span, size of a nickel.

How long do they live?

--Males one year and females 3 if you’re lucky.


What do you mean when you say a spider is *instar?

--Each stage of development between molts is called an instar. ie i1,i2,i3...


What does Molting mean?

-- In order to grow, spiders must shed their hard exterior exoskeleton that's called molting. This allows the spider to grow and replace its exoskeleton with a fresher model. Young spiders tend to molt frequently whereas older mature spiders molt less often. 


How often must you pair a jumping spider?

--ONCE.  A  female jumping spider only needs to be paired once and she can lay up to 7 eggs sacs in her lifetime.


Can I put two jumping spiders in the same enclosure?

--No you can not house jumping spiders together.  They are opportunistic feeders and will cannibalize other spiders.  You will need a separate enclosure for each spider.


What is Sexual Dimorphism?

--Sexual dimorphism is the systematic difference in form between individuals of different sex in the same species. For example in light phase regal jumping spiders the males are black with green chelicerae (the part of the mouth that covers the fangs), and females are brown with a varied color of chelicerae.